Exercise 9.3
This is Exercise #9.3, lecture on CSS Flexbox, used in the course IDATA2301 Web technologiesat NTNU, campus Aalesund.
Your task is to create an HTML document which has a navigation bar on
the top. Use the conventional way with semantic elements:
for the main navigation container,
inside it and each menu item should be a list
item (<li>
You probably want to style the
as a flexbox? - An NTNU logo image is inside the
directory. - If you do it properly, the navigation bar will fill the window width, the logo will be on the left and the menu items (the texts) will be on the right.
If you have a hard time removing whitespace on top of the navigation,
you can set margin to zero for all elements with this CSS hack:
* { margin: 0; }
The navigation bar should look like this:

Warning! Give the exercise a try before you look at a solution! That way you will learn much more!
You can find a solution here.