Exercise 9.6

This is Exercise #9.6, lecture on CSS Grid, used in the course IDATA2301 Web technologies at NTNU, campus Aalesund.

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The purpose of the exercise is to get familiar with how we assign items to grid regions.


Start with this document as the template. Arrange the provided elements within a grid according to the necessary layout. Don't change the HTML elements, make the changes with CSS style only!

Arrange the grid items below to match a brick wall pattern. Each full brick should be 200px wide and 100px high, including the padding and border. This is how the final result should look:

Reference image - HTML elements laid out in a brick-wall pattern

Extra challenge

For an extra challenge: center the text vertically within the bricks! The result of extra challenge looks like this:

Reference image - HTML elements laid out in a brick-wall pattern, text vertically centered

Here is the grid you should work with (remember: apply CSS style only, within the <style> block in the <head> of the document):



You can find a solution in here.