Exercise 10.1

This is Exercise 10.1, lecture on Javascript basics, used in the course IDATA2301 Web technologies at NTNU, campus Aalesund.

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The purpose of the exercise is to try javascript in several ways: to run a JS code in the console, to include inline <script> block, and to include an external .js file.


Step 1

Try JS in the console:

  1. Open Developer tool console in your browser (Ctrl+Shift+J in Chrome)
  2. Type the following command in the console: console.log("Hello, Javascript");
  3. You should see the text appearing in the console.
  4. Now try to set value for two variables a=2 and b=3, and then print out a+b in the console.

Step 2

Now let’s try to execute inline Javascript in HTML. Create a new HTML document, and create the following block in the head section:

            a = 2;
            b = 3;
            console.log("The sum of a + b is", a + b)

Open the file in the browser and look into the console. Do you see the output there? Now put another <script> block inside the body part of the document:

            b = 12;
            console.log("Now (in the body) the sum of a + b is", a + b)

What output do you see now in the console, if you refresh the page in the browser?

Step 3

Now let’s try to include an external JS file. Create a file hello.js, save it in the same folder where you have the HTML file. Place the following code in the hello.js file:

        a = 4;
        console.log("a times b is", a * b);

In the head section include the hello.js file you just created. You do that by inserting the following line of code after the existing inline <script> block:

<script src="hello.js"></script>

What happens if you move the import of the hello.js file before the inline-script block (the one you created in step 2)? Try that! Hint: you will see what happens when you try to use an unknown variable in Javascript.


You can find a solution for steps 2 and 3 here.