Exercise 10.5

This is Exercise 10.5, lecture on traversing DOM with Javascript, used in the course IDATA2301 Web technologies at NTNU, campus Aalesund.

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The purpose of the exercise is to learn how you can modify text inside HTML elements when an event happens.


  1. Create a new HTML document which has one paragraph (<p>) element in it. The text inside it should be "Loading...".
  2. Add a Javascript to the page, which sets the text in the <p> element to "Hello" when the document is loaded. (Hint: <body onload="...">).
  3. Add a paragraph to the same HTML document that shows a text: "X seconds have passed since the page was loaded”. Update X every second.
  4. Create a "calculator":
    1. Two text inputs (let us call them A and B), the user can input a number in each of them. Set A=3, B=5 by default.
    2. A text saying: "the two numbers multiplied are Y".
    3. Update the Y to be A*B whenever text changes in any of the inputs.
    4. Extra challenge: show "Not a number!" when either A or B (or both) are not numbers.


You can find a solution here.